Global Care North East
The entry below is a synopsis of our speakers talk on 10th July 2024.
A factual and very interesting presentation this week by Mrs Ann Scott entitled “Global Care North Easty“.
Ann started by saying the Global Care North East organisation was founded to help children (in several countries over the world) to get them out of poverty by giving them education and basic food,better housing and a structure to allow them to continue with the project when they leave to the next project.
Several before and after photos were shown and what had become of their startup help, after 2 or 3 years, they returned to check on the project collecting proof that the finance that was given had been used for the purpose it was intended. In some areas they found that they had surpassed what was asked and the community was thriving.
Ann finished by showing some of her photographed road signs which were very amusing as a display of bad translation.
The whole presentation was very informative and humorous throughout which kept all the men involved. Questions followed on several points to conclude a very entertaining morning.
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